SSR Address Combination Analysis

The general SSR address is like this: ssr://[Base64] We can use Base64 Converter to convert Base64 Encoded to Base64 Decoded.

Next I'll use an invalid SSR address as an example:

When converting SSR, we first ignore the ssr:// in the header, then we are left with: MTQyLjIyNC4yMzMuMTM3OjEwNjUxOmF1dGhfc2hhMV92NDphZXMtMjU2LWNmYjpodHRwX3NpbXBsZTpURzkwZFhOT1lXMWxjekF3T0RrPS8/cmVtYXJrcz1hSFIwY0hNNkx5OXpjM0l1WldMVdlZHaGxUp

Then we use Base64 Converter to convert the Decode obtained in the previous step.

After Decode, the result is as follows:

After careful analysis, the visible format is as follows:
IP address: Port: Protocol: Encryption method: Obfuscation: [Password after Base64 Encode]:=/?remarks=[Extra parameters after Base64 Encode]

Then the complete SSR address is like this, don't forget to add ssr:// at the beginning

# 您需要首次评论以获取消息 #
# 您需要首次评论以获取消息 #
